Exclusive, Independent Recovery Living Woodstock Illinois and Rockford, Illinois

“Our gratitude is in paying tribute to those who contributed so much to make Spirit Center one of the best life changing experiences. The enthusiasm, energy, and spirit is attributed to all the residential members who continue making this anonymous recovery organization great. The strength of the group has come from the valued skills and healthy relationships that each and every member nurtures while transitioning within the Spirit Center’s residential environment. They continue to inspire, encourage, and motivate us to continue the group’s service and build upon the quality of untethered responsibility.”   Gratefully,   Dave & Serena F.

What we have found to be a healthy alternative to the interferences of all our dreams is to become clear with who we are. We appreciate each moment of our daily lives and together we accomplish so much in valued aspirations. We eliminate worrying about the future and learn the value of the collective past misgivings. We shed our expectations, both of ourselves and others. We live by valued principles and promptly forgive those who have wronged us, including ourselves. We are present. We embrace living with this simple awareness. Most importantly, to think of all things we are grateful for each day and blessed to have in our lives, as simple as the roofs over our heads, and life’s most precious gift in the breathe of fresh air.

Our Values


Information is shared openly and clearly. Communications are respectful, honest, and forthright.

Passion and Perseverance

We persist in the face of challenges. We have a sense of urgency about our work, and know that it’s a long-term effort.

Intelligent Risk

Our decisions are informed by research and experience. We try new things and learn from our mistakes.

Trust and Accountability

We value integrity and honesty, and embrace high standards in comprehensive responsibility.

Our Purpose: Carry The Message

Simple Opportunity:

How it all begins: First is the SC recovery group interview then the house follow up consensus. Call for any Q & A dialogue. Informal interviews are held at 5pm on weeknights or Sundays at 5:30pm. The daily residential costs are individually capable for the amenities provided. SC is focused on taking responsibility as a group and choose not to be confused as being facility oriented i.e. we only sustain as devoted residents. The full group’s conscious is the authority in this recovery environment. Although we provide an efficient recovery environment, we stand firm in individual focus of personal recovery and care thereof. The anonymous focus serves as sound direction of developmental recovery in all areas of neglect during addiction. Survivors of such lifestyles have been graced an opportunity to transition while encompassing healthy boundaries in the process. It is an individual awareness in effort to move forward from the start.

Spirit Center’s residential group is exclusively for individuals who seek a clear and simple environment with focused recovery. The residence is conveniently located at the town’s edge of Woodstock Illinois. The founders, with years of direct recovery experience, have been graced availability in their lives to share this solid recovery environment with others who are ready to recover their own lives. Living years in addiction solution research and personal recovery development is why the founders had clear passion to establish this accredited group in 2012. They understood the need to go beyond and create a group conscious formatted recovery community which desires to live by the integrity of 12 steps and 12 traditions. By standing firm in the findings of our personal recoveries, together we hold clear solutions within the group’s conscious. The process envelops in looking honestly at who we are; by learning together openly, sharing our daily recovery practices, and by exampling ‘how and why’ it works each new day. Spirit Center group cultivates this clear path to ‘Pay it Forward’ for each resident’s capability to simply recover from self-centered direction.

Experience: We are a living 12 steps and 12 traditions recovery home; This is not a therapy group, although we example the living way to recover. We do not seek advocate for donations or funding for any ‘program care’ of individuals in recovery from addiction in this anonymous environment. We live responsibly in accordance of the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions textbooks of AA/NA and the residential group’s conscious as the taproot of collective recovery. Our purpose is to progress through the 12 steps. The guidelines are clear and commitments are simple. The group’s conviviality is founded on the 12 traditions. We are not here to dishonor ourselves or others, to character assassinate or falsely judge, nor discriminate anywhere anytime. We live, love, and laugh together for we have been graced life and are eternally grateful to have lived to honorably recover. We are not saints so tolerance, forgiveness, understanding, and brotherly love are the bonding qualities of this recovery community. To go beyond, the doors opened for this living experience to affect the change in others (p.xxix BB) by assuredly practicing these principles in all our affairs. The basics.

To The Readers: This site is not directed toward a scheduled program layout. It is to be read from the spirit within those who seek ‘recovery living’ as a part of their lives from the existence of addiction & dependency confusion. If your attempt to understand how it works is in reading, believe us it is unable to be found in mere words. The spirit exists outside of the search, it lays within the heartfelt acceptance of each individual. We serve the spirit which lives in those who are ready to recover their lives through the phases of 12 steps. Although to those who seek information, there is much here for the reader to exercise some insight. Otherwise, we suggest the Big Book or 12×12 of AA to be a start. Spirit Center living exists to provide an interference free environment while the addicts and alcoholics are simply recovering within their own personal past to soundly embrace the present.

See also  What is a Sober Living Home?

‘Can help be or become a Hindrance?’

There are four parts of the group interview process:

1. Assessment

2. Experience

3. Understanding

4. Awareness

Life has taught us things which no classroom could. The interview is based on personal clarity of active addiction. Interviewing may cover these subjects: Personal tries in recovery by the dependency of family, spouses, staff, and/or catered environments had helped to some degree yet often hinders true happiness. The recognitions of personal balance are often undervalued in such conditions and environments. SC serves as a guidepost for these recognitions in conjunction with the phases of value building. Recovery is the exception. As a group of addicts in recovery, we discuss matters of healthy perspectives and as expected most are common ground. It may seem easy yet don’t be fooled, simple is not easy because when conditions are right anything is possible good or bad.

The fortitude of our group’s purpose:

1. In working with others, remember you can carry the message, but not the mess.

2. When addicts & alcoholics are ready, you can’t keep the solution from them; when they’re not, you can’t give the solution away.

3. ‘I didn’t get what I wanted from the 12 Steps; I got what I needed.’

4. It’s a lot easier to stay sober than to get sober.

5. Discerning F.E.A.R. : False Evidence Appearing Real

Spirit Center has paved the way for readiness of personal care while lessening the emotional & communication distortions commonly found in dependency that are not limited to just addicts. Although it often takes three years of personal discipline and commitment to fully recover, there are many who try to be a guide before their own lives are in order or perhaps more often, they are not what they declare to be. These type of curates often send a message of enthusiasm yet the interferences can be quite inverse but hope is clear none the less (ref pgs. 104 + 113 12×12). Living experiences with spiritual value in understanding is the key to embrace those life lessons many had missed. An obvious result of missed lessons are in the levels of self-destructive decisions. It’s amazing how simple it really can be to work the steps of recovery by becoming a living example of how and why (pg.181 12×12).

The Spirit Center group has been blessed over the years to have had many diverse men transition their lives by personal commitment and self-discipline in the recovery guidelines. There is much work to continue after experiencing the basics of living recovery in the Spirit Center group. We leave the results of the networked efforts and commitment capacity of the individuals and we understand: ‘To thine own self be true’ & ‘Faith without works is dead’ BB p.76. Commonly, the stay is twelve months of living recovery to substantiate clearing away the wreckage (ref. pgs. 77 12×12 + 164 BB).

Follow through for growth is the journey: 847.732.2803 or 815.861.5448.

We are made wise not only by the recollection of our past, but by the responsibility for our future. ~ George Bernard Shaw

Our group recovery focus is lead by peer viewpoint and voting consensus. The elders serve as trusted guides in the continuity of autonomy, anonymous group unity, and commitment to ‘dependency issue awareness’ service duties in respect to each resident’s growth review and safety thereof. The community initiates by recognizing the external liabilities which may distract the individual care and focus. The concept is simple to grasp due to eliminating the paradigms of external opinions. SC members live simple and create individual purpose in ethical employment, valued service, and experience of internal recovery. Simple recovery living is our purpose or ‘program’.

As experienced and inspired mentors, the Franckowiak’s serve the group recovery residence with the heart and soul of safe community living and the minds of sound recovery development. The role that is perhaps closest to their heart, however, is that of unity in the fellowship. With responsible recovery values, the Franckowiaks are active purists when it comes to 12 steps and 12 traditions of recovery in the environments that provide residency to recovering individuals. They have set the bar of responsibility by the value of the group’s conscious discussions and decisions.“A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it.” – Jean de La Fontaine

Sobriety & Beyond Witnessing the importance & responsiblity, Spirit Center encourages family recovery. The venue serves as a meeting place for families anonymous 12 step program by each FA group’s term commitment. With honest care, individuals tend to recognize personal causes and conditions which contributed to many dynamics. Upon recognition, often forgiveness and genuine appreciations are mutual submissions. Honest Open Willingness (HOW it Works) benefits the application of the 12 Steps and 12 Traditions in the personal recovery network and private turning points. Call and ask about our intervention services if your loved one is still in the grips of active addiction. We are available 24/7 for private guidance and emergencies.

See also  Sober Minded Community Values

The SC board members had tried for years to bridge the gap of communication with those who have not experienced personal addiction. The bottom line has been made for the addicts themselves to be offered this opportunity because graced addicts simply understand from common ground. ‘What a concept!’ that has worked for generations.

“When we go back to an environment and there’s a history there, it really can put a choke hold on our recovery growth, and relapse often becomes a revolving door,” SC CoFounder. “We’re not a revolving door type of recovery environment. People know when they come here, the sky’s the limit. They can actually envelop personal recovery.”

SC gives way in the journey for each person to embrace their abilities and personal values. The group results are fully entrenched in a safe and sound system of follow-through in group etiquette. When open, the internal discoveries are where the phases of recovery ignite. The house is run by peer majority decision on all matters: ‘group conscience’. We believe that responsibility of integrity starts in the living environment. The vetting process for SC recovery is not for the average because it is not easy yet it is very simple. We are but trusted servants in the group conscious and this is one reason why the SC organization began its services. Ref. Ch. 9 BB“Getting rid of a delusion makes us wiser than getting hold of a truth.” – Ludwig Borne

“Recovery doesn’t happen magically in a program. It’s a long process involving changes in physiology, changes in behavior, changes in relationships, and changes in many other aspects of a person’s life. Ultimately, it happens day by day, in the community where people live and work and learn.” – TASC President.

SC is one of two accredited recovery homes in Woodstock Illinois. We hold the highest regard for research and hands-on experience of transparency.

Call today to share about opportunities, from a phone call to follow through recovery.

847.732.2803 or 815.861.5448. Spirit Center: Providing Private and Independent Recovery Services.

Reflective Daily Reminders from the Big Book (10th Step)

“When we retire at night, we constructively review our day. Were we resentful, selfish, dishonest or afraid? Do we owe an apology? Have we kept something to ourselves which should be discussed with another person at once? Were we kind and loving toward all? What could we have done better? Were we thinking of ourselves most of the time? Or were we thinking of what we could do for others, of what we could pack into the stream of life? But we must be careful not to drift into worry, remorse or morbid reflection, for that would diminish our usefulness to others. After making our review we ask God’s forgiveness and inquire what corrective measures should be taken.

On awakening let us think about the twenty-four hours ahead. We consider our plans for the day. Before we begin, we ask God to direct our thinking, especially asking that it be divorced from self-pity, dishonest or self-seeking motives. Under these conditions we can employ our mental faculties with assurance, for after all God gave us brains to use. Our thought-life will be placed on a much higher plane when our thinking is cleared of wrong motives.

In thinking about our day we may face indecision. We may not be able to determine which course to take. Here we ask God for inspiration, an intuitive thought or a decision. We relax and take it easy. We don’t struggle. We are often surprised how the right answers come after we have tried this for a while. What used to be the hunch or the occasional inspiration gradually becomes a working part of the mind. Being still inexperienced and having just made conscious contact with God, it is not probable that we are going to be inspired at all times. We might pay for this presumption in all sorts of absurd actions and ideas. Nevertheless, we find that our thinking will, as time passes, be more and more on the plane of inspiration. We come to rely upon it.” (pg 86-87 BB)

‘It works, it really does.’

We alcoholics/addicts are undisciplined. So we let discipline guide us by the simple way we have just outlined. (ref entire BB)But this is not all. There is action and more action. “Faith without works is dead.” (pg 88 BB)

“Courage is grace under pressure.” – Ernest Hemingway

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