Opium Addiction & Treatment

Opium Addiction Opium is highly addictive. Physical and psychological addiction both start quickly. Because it is not as strong as other opiates such as heroin or OxyContin, the addiction can occur without even being noticed. Smoking Opium was introduced to China in the 17th century. This was when Opium addiction started to become a problem. […]

Percocet Addiction & Treatment

Percocet Addiction Percocet has legitimate medical use for pain relief, but it is because of its narcotic effect that it is abused. The Oxycodone found in Percocet creates a feeling of euphoria that is similar to heroin. Because of this, Percocet has gotten the name White Collar Heroin.Percocet is also used by people addicted to […]

Percodan Addiction & Treatment

Percodan Addiction Most people who become addicted to Percodan began taking the drug for medical reasons. Unfortunately, over time the person will become dependent or addicted and be unable to even function on a daily basis without the drug. Because addiction can happen in as short a period of time as a few weeks, Percodan […]

Xanax Addiction & Treatment

Xanax Addiction When it comes to Xanax addiction, there are always signs that are pervasive through every part of the addict’s life. Some of these signs include strained relationships with friends, family, loved ones, and coworkers, missing work due to not feeling well enough to work, money problems, severe changes in weight, and neglecting responsibilities […]

Dexedrine Addiction & Treatment

Dexedrine Addiction Dexedrine addiction is a common in college students because of its addictive stimulant characteristics, including the ability to stay up all night. In 2001, the Harvard School of Public Health College Alcohol study found that 4% of college students surveyed had taken Dexedrine without a prescription that year. At some universities Dexedrine abuse […]

Benzos or Benzodiazepine Addiction Treatment

Benzodiazepines Addiction Rarely do people develop a tolerance or addiction to the anxiety relief that comes with Benzodiazepine use. With regular use, it is the sedative effects that people become addicted to. After a few months of regular use a tolerance can develop. Sometimes this occurs after just a few weeks time. It depends on […]

Crack Addiction Treatment: Facts and Figures

Crack Addiction Crack, a form of cocaine with a very intense and short high, is one of the most addictive illegal drugs you can find. Crack addiction can be hard to beat because Crack is more psychologically addictive than it is physically addictive. According to the National Household Survey on Drug Abuse, an estimated 6.2 […]


The SPIRIT Center assists residents through the transitional phases of Recovery.Ready! Next is the and resident’s and alumni ‘meet & greet’ interview which opens new opportunities in asking your questions of SPIRIT Center recovery members. Your initiative is used to establish a clear understanding for the group’s review. This is paramount. Effort, equality, and unity […]

Sober Minded Community Values

The establishment of “Spirit Center” is to provide an action arena for the discovery of core values and their implementation individually. We recognize that without sound resolution certain life challenges can be too much. Our fresh beginning starts when we admit defeat. We illustrate how to have individuals attain and achieve attunement reaching a state […]